2022 Season: The Story Through Numbers - Taranis do Brasil [hfcm id="4"][hfcm id="5"]

2022 Season:
The Story Through Numbers

janeiro 31, 2023

CORN: What were the greatest threats to your fields this season?

Digitally scouting millions of acres across the Midwest translates into millions of valuable data points and insights. This data sheds light on the type of crop threats that growers dealt with during the past season and what they might encounter over the next seasons. Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve seen in 2022.

Disease Pressure

Top 5 diseases detected in corn fields and their relative prevalence

States most impacted by Grey Leaf Spot

Top 5 states impacted by Grey leaf spot

Tar Spot makes inroad across the Midwest

Our 2022 data shows that Tar Spot continues to expand across the Midwest, putting growers on high alert.

Top 5 states impacted by Tar Spot

Weed pressure

Top 10 weed species scouted in corn fields and their relative prevalence

Nutrient Deficiencies

Top types of deficiencies identified

The information provided here represents Taranis’ crop intelligence data, collected from millions of acres across the US. If you would like to learn more about corn disease data in your region, please contact us.

Download the infographic PDF.


Top 7 Soybean Diseases of 2022

Which diseases infected your soybean crop this season? 

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Top 5 Corn Diseases of 2022

Disease scouting is an important part of the corn growth cycle, as early detection of diseases can have a huge impact on yield. Digital crop scouting and agronomic data analysis allows advisors and farmers to move beyond anecdotal information and get an accurate picture of the diseases threatening their corn crops for more effective decision-making and timely action.

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Weeds: Is There Still Time?

"Know before you go"—it’s a phrase that is as valuable as it is concise in its offering of insights that tell a field’s story all season long. It’s the Taranis spoiler-alert for yield monitor numbers and the peace-of-mind farmers can rely on to make information-based management decisions. 

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